교육 - 웨비나(온라인)
FIMMWAVE/FIMMPROP 온라인교육 ( 신청마감 )
강의 일정 : (2022-05-24 ~ 2022-05-25)
강사 : Photon Design
양일간 진행될 교육내용은 아래와 같습니다.
해당 교육은 현재 FimmWave/FimmProp를 사용하고 있는 유저에 대해 교육신청을 받습니다.
관심이 있는 사용자는 아래 내용을 참고하셔서 연락주시기 바랍니다.
Session 1(5/24)
- the FMM, FEM and FDM Solvers – theoretical basis, advantages and limitations of each method
- constructing waveguides – the RWG, MWG and FWG geometries
- finding modes, the MOLAB, complex waveguides, boundary conditions, anisotropy
- the General Scanner
09:40 FIMMWAVE hands-on session 1
10:30 Coffee break
- introduction to the EME (EigenMode-Expansion) method – theoretical basis, advantages and limitations
- periodic structures (EME and RCMT methods)
- constructing a device, obtaining data, diagnostics
- the FIMMPROP Scanner
11:35 FIMMPROP hands-on session 1
13:30 Close
Session 2(5/25)
08:30 FIMMWAVE – advanced usage
- getting the best from each solver, modelling difficult structures, choosing the right solver
- bend modes
- using variables and expressions
- scripting with Python and MATLAB – automation of a calculation
09:15 FIMMWAVE hands-on session 2
10:30 Coffee break
10:45 FIMMPROP – advanced usage
- modelling tapers and z-varying structures - the Planar Section and Taper Section
- using expressions to define z-variations
- modelling bends
- using ports
- guidelines for successful EME modelling
11:35 FIMMPROP hands-on session 2
13:30 Close